Things that I think are noteworthy... Mostly Linux links for whatever I'm working on at the time. Enjoy

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Test this mamma jamma out

chicago elliott

Dan and Mary.... are leaving... tear!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

WinAmp apparently couldn't kick the Llama's butt! It's a shame, too! I really liked it, at least the early days. It got a bit klunky when they started to add the video support. Oh well, I guess I'm to blame for never paying for the uber-edition!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

And here it is... America's Space Prize: Reaching Higher Than Sub-Orbit. That's $50,000,000 (it looks better with all the zero's don't ya think?) to whoever can put a vehicle in orbit, and recover it I assume.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Well the X PRIZE has been won. SpaceShipOne got it done in just 5 days! I hope this doesn't shutdown all the other projects. That would kind of defeat the purpose of the original goal. Rumor has it there will be a $50 million prize for the team that goes into orbit first... It's gonna be exciting!

Friday, April 30, 2004

Just found this old relic... American Business Computers Catalog, about 1981 We've come a long way since then.

Friday, March 19, 2004

The Enterprise Mission is one of the greatest interplanetary conspiracy theory sites... All the pseudoscience you could ask for accompanied by wild accusations! A classic.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

l Wicked Cool Shell Scripts I really can't say it any better than that!