The final word in HTML 4.01 Specification. I tend to use a text editor rather than a WYSIWYG editor... call me crazy, but I a programmer, not a graphic designer... but don't tell anyone
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Monday, September 15, 2003
There's a Hurricane Coming... Watch out for Isabel... I remember Fran and Floyd, this could get ugly
Someone elses adventure in rbash restricted version of bash... This is easier than chroot-ing
How do you create a restricted linux user using chroot... start here
Another web filtering HOWTO This one is a bit more technical for the admin savvy. Has the actual commands for a generic command
I'm thinking about adminisering a "study hall" in my church with internet access. Here is a pretty simple howto on configuring a linux box to filter web pages for objectionable content. This might work
Here's my first post... I'm tinkering around with Netjuke... to access my music library from anywhere. Pretty neat tool, and NO, you can't have access to my library... That's ILLEGAL